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7 Effective ways to increase blog traffic

1. Set up a SEO Optimized Blog.

From any perceptive you may look at it, search engines traffic remain the best client for your offer, this is because these are people who genuinely looking for what you’re selling or services you render.
SEO is not as hard as you might have believe, all what Google is asking from you is to make each of your web pages descriptions relevant to the topic on the pages and provide your blog users with best of experience.
Search engines are a massive opportunity for increasing blog traffic for a long-time value. Most of the simple things that you do to optimize your content for better search visibility will yield massive result if done right.
Know that any content you publish on your blog without optimizing it for better search visibility is thousands of targeted unique visitors lost in the very near future.
These three articles, one over here , here and here are a very good examples of why making sure that every of your content are well optimized to attract search engines traffic.
The three articles combined have amounted to nearly 50% of the traffic this blog drive from search engines since publishing them and over 70% email list subscribers.
The last one doesn’t attract comment from readers, but it is the best performing post on this blog in terms of blog subscription email list, organic traffic and even exposure.
Google alone sees more than 3 billion search queries per day, it will be of great value if you can tap into these opportunity present to you by users themselves and the search engines.

2. Participate in The Communities
Where Your Target Audience Gathered Most.
It will be a great loss of time, energy and complete resources if you spend most of your time in places where people who are not interested or not your ideal target audience for your services or products gather most.
Let say you write about blogging and search engine optimization guides, it will do you little good if at all any if majority of blogs you participate on are fashion or travel blogs.
So also it apply to social media places you do promotes your content…….not all social media sites are a good fits for every kind of blog post. Some social media sites or bookmarking sites are good places for every thing under the sun, while many of them are special for specific industry.
Find the one that best fits your kind of blog topics with large followers that are interested in your topic, then spend most your time their engaging with others there and adding more value to the discussions.

3. Write Share able content.

Not every blog post or information has the ability to move readers to share it, some information – no matter how quality they are – don’t attract share-like audience.
When you tell a beautiful story with your information, or you go controversial on some of the industry general acceptance theory or tips, or you just say something many people are afraid to lay it bare open…..these kind of posts could easily attract those audience that will share your post to thousands of their followers.
If you can identify those posts on your blog that easily or naturally attract shares, and sometimes traffic too, consider writing more of such posts and market it to those that will help spread your work like wild-fire.
Let me go deep a bit.
Your co-bloggers and content marketers alike are the ones likely to share your work with their followers mostly, if you can come up with content that these people will love to associate with, and proudly share with their followers, your blog traffic has the strong potential to go viral like a virus.

4. Install Google Analytics and Study the Data.

One of the most useful and most effective tools you can use to increase website traffic and to better understand how you’re doing with your online business and what others are saying about you is Google Analytic which is free for everyone to use.
If you’ve not been paying attention or not log in to see where things are moving with your blog, is high time you do so.
There are lots of useful data to help you understand what to do to improve your blog value, engagements, quality, traffic, SEO, improve user experience etc.
Though you may not be a tech geek, but you don’t need to be a guru or scientist to understand the data in Google analytic; is simple, straight and concise.
Don’t let fear or ignorance taint the amazing power or value you stand to benefits from studying and analyzing the data in your Google analytic.

5. Do Keyword Research Before Writing Your Post.

If you’re going to show up in search results pages, then you must know what search terms you want to target.
People type into the search box their search queries to find information that will solve their problem, in other to write a piece of content that meet these people’s demand you must first understand what language, search term or phrases they’re typing into the search engines box.
To begin your task, you need to conduct proper keyword research.
There is no such thing as guess-work in doing keyword research, you just have to find the most “profitable ” search term. However, the word
profitable in this regard do depend on your goals and definitions.
But I would advice you consider your blog strength and weakness in search engines positioning when selecting what keyword you want to target in your content.
Some keywords will be easier to rank for on the first page of SERP even if your blog is brand new with very little back links, while some keywords may be as daunting task as climbing Mount Everest.
In fact, if you’re just writing your blog posts without doing keyword research to know what keyword to target and how certain your chances of making it to the front page of SERP with such keyword is, then you’re leaving so much money on the table.

6. Accept Guest Post on Your Blog.

You may have read somewhere on the web or have experienced how effective using guest post on other people’s blog to drive back targeted traffic to your blog is, but have you thought of how super effective the results will be when you invite other well-known bloggers to author some of their best work on your blog?.
Sherman Smith did a guest post on this blog sometime ago and he did share it across his network of social media followers, this resulted in seeing new faces commenting on my blog and some first time visitors turning in to regular blog reader.
Then I followed up with two additional amazing bloggers, Onyema Shedrak and Carol Amato – the latest in the trend.
Is very effective and I strongly recommend that you start today to pencil down some of your bloggers friends whom you believe can add more value to your blog content.
Invite them to guest blog on your blog and share it with their followers on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus ,
LinkedIn, etc.
However, is going to be difficult or tough to get other bloggers contributing to your blog content when you’re just starting out, this because every one wants to associate with success and since you have little to no success story to tell at the moment, you’ll have to leverage your network of bloggers friend.
Look for those who knows you, like you and are always ready to help out.

7. Use Questions and Answers Sites.

Every single day on the web, thousands of folks ask questions in different niches and in hundreds of Q and A sites – Yahoo Answer,
Quora, , etc….it’s your duty as an expert in the field to help supply the needed answer or solution to their problems and in return drive back web site traffic to your blog.
Although, traffic shouldn’t be your primary reason for helping someone out with you answer, it should be for the sole reason of helping someone in need….but all the same – you need to still build your business.
To get the best out of Questions and Answers sites, don’t attempt to answer every questions asked or dropping your blog link on every question you leave an answer.
Remember you’re not the only one supplying answer to any question asked, if everyone that respond to a question are leaving links back to their blog, the place – Question and Answer site – would have for long been seeing as web spam portal.
However, there is one BIG though task to go through while you’re using questions and answers sites for blog marketing, and this is not only peculiar to questions and answers sites but almost all social gathering places on the web – Finding what really matters to you and your blog topics.

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