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Panic as South Africans record new Xenophobic attacks

Fears are being raised over the resurrection of Xenophobia in South Africa– Foreign nationals have reportedly started sorting out means to protect themselvesThe death of two South Africans has caused a re-enactment of the Xenophobic attacks in the former Apartheid region.
According to The, foreign shops in an informal settlement near Natalspruit, eastern Johannesburg, were looted on Sunday, March 13 as protests gather momentum over the loss.
The incident, according to local police sources, was triggered by the killing of a woman and her child by a Pakistani national after a brawl.The source disclosed further that,“the killing angered the local residents who retaliated by chasing foreigners away and looted their shops.
”An eyewitness said the police had to ask for reinforcement when it was obvious that the situation was going out of hand, adding that rubber bullets were used by the security forces to disperse angry crowds.

Unconfirmed reports in Madiba’s country also have it that in a bid to avoid recent Xenophobic attacks on foreign nationals in the country, some of the foreigners have started collecting illegal fire arms that they could protect themselves from criminals.Recall that in April last year, there was a reported incident of this naturewhich left thousand non-South African citizens dead.

Recently,there were calls by the chairman of the House Committee onDiaspora Affairs Rita Orji, representing the Ajeromi/Ifelodun constituency, condemning the recentkilling of Nigerians in South Africa, describing it as an epidemic.The lawmaker called on the Nigerian Consul General to South Africa, Uche Ajulu-Okeke, to act fast and present areport to the federal government as promised.

“From tales of xenophobic attacks against foreigners, Nigerians included, to all kinds of violent crimes perpetuated against Nigerians in South Africa by both the police and citizens, we are, once again, saddened by another incident of a Nigerian dying in the custody of the police,”Orji sa

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