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Foreign news::Ugandan politician caught on camera cheating with mistress

– A top politician in Uganda has been involved in a sex scandal

– The legislator who represents Oyam north county was videoed having sex with his mistress

– Experts say the video has a 99 percent likeness to the parliamentarian Mr Ayena Odongo

the Oyam north county representative has been caught-up in a sex-scandal, as a sex-tape which is allegedly his, has spread over the media like wildfire, causing tongues to wag.
According to Red Pepper, the sex-tape has a 99 percent semblance with Ayena Ondongo.

In the controversial video that is making the rounds on social media, the old MP shows off his extremely immodest sexual behaviour while appearing completely nude in various sex scenes with one fat woman.

The video, runs for almost 20 minutes, and the parliamentarian exhibits all kinds of sex positions as seen in the clips.

Ayena Odongo was reportedly chosen as the best from about 7000 lawyers worldwide who sought to represent the former Lord`s Resistance army deputy commander,Maj-Gen Dominic Ongwen in Hague over ICC cases.

Investigations into the case are still ongoing, as Ayena stands the chance of loosing his seat in the Ugandan parliament.

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